
A modern vim-based development tool,
built on top of GNU Emacs.

It took me about 3 days to become just as
productive with Doom as I used to be with neovim.

Auslegung on r/DoomEmacs

A modern text editor - and more

Auto-completion and LSP

Code completion and LSP support for a wide variety of popular and not so programming languages, including but not limited to C, C++, Dart, Python, Rust, Kotlin and JavaScript. The power of Emacs allow for extensibility and customization the language server of your choice.


Doom Emacs comes with a visually pleasing and helpful Modeline, complete with distinct themes. Additionally, you can utilize Emacs Lisp to generate your own personalized Modeline statuses.

Batteries Included

Doom Emacs includes the top Emac packages that enable file managers, terminal emulators, tree-sitters, project drawers, tabs, spelling and grimmer checkers, an email client, an infamous git manager and much more in your setup. Enable or disable these packages with a few keystrokes inside your configuration file.

Get Organised

Take advantage of Org Mode, a powerful and flexible system for organizing and managing information, making it a popular choice for researchers, writers, developers, and other professionals who need to manage complex projects and workflows.

Distraction Free Writing

Powerful and flexible tool for writers. Take advantage of community developed writing modes that allow for focused, distraction free writing and powerful search and replace functions.

The perfect tool for hackers and developers

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